Orange is my favorite color

Archive for 2008/02

Is it possible to get permission to build and release a Live CD that includes a default ColdFusion Developer edition install on it? Or a VMWare image?
This would open a lot of possibilities for evangelizing and testing.

Dean Saxe inspired me to finally publish this post. It’s been sitting in my pending bin for several weeks now. I like his ideas too although I can’t handle the low-flow shower head. Anyways:
People make saving the planet out to be an all or nothing issue. However, there are small, measurable [...]

If you’re using my actionpack for search-engine safe URLs for Model-Glue, you may have noticed that appending values with a <result> to a redirected event uses the normal ?var=value syntax.
This unfortunately can’t be fixed by an external modification like my actionpack however the needed modification to the core is extremely tiny so I have made [...]

Heard via friends inside that Yahoo! is cutting loose lots of people today as speculated in the news recently. People are being called into conference rooms and dismissed. Apparently the severance package pays out through May so it’s a relatively “soft” landing. Tough times for the Y.

It wasn’t all that many years ago that I wasn’t even registered to vote. As a small business owner working long hours with lots of responsibility, the remote risk of being called to jury duty and being unable to manage my business kept me from participating in the political process.
When I sold my company, [...]

Yesterday I started a post talking about PostgreSQL 8.3 RC2 and this morning I come in to find the official 8.3 release in my inbox! There are quite a few interesting new features, a few of which are specifically of interest to ColdFusion developers:

UUID datatype
ANSI-standard SQL/XML support
ENUM datatype

There is a page about UUID support [...]

If you skim the Transfer docs, like I do, you might miss the fact that specifying a relationship (onetomany, manytoone, manytomany) automatically creates support for the column you reference. This can cause maddening errors like the following:
Error Executing Database Query.
ERROR: column “dtype” specified more than once
transfer\com\sql\QueryExecution.cfc (108)
transfer\com\sql\TransferInserter.cfc (371)
transfer\com\sql\TransferInserter.cfc (132)
transfer\com\sql\TransferInserter.cfc (49)
transfer\com\sql\SQLManager.cfc (61)
transfer\com\Transfer.cfc (197)
transfer\com\Transfer.cfc (177)
If [...]