Orange is my favorite color

Everyone has a tale of poor customer service. Usually it’s delivered with a cavalcade of profanity and met with an understanding nod. It is for this reason that I won’t relate my entire story, but I need to tell someone before my head explodes:

Comcast has missed 5 appointments in the past 10 days to come repair my Internet.

That includes 3 regularly scheduled appointments and 2 re-sends from dispatch. Every time I call they assure me this doesn’t usually happen and “I’m adding your contact number to the work order and a note to be sure they call.” They don’t call, they don’t write, they don’t show up. Even the organic grocery delivery hippies figured out how to work the callbox!

1 Comment

  1. brian said:

    on June 4, 2006 at 11:07 am

    Well they missed the afternoon re-dispatch too. Yesterday morning I was cleaning up our garage and out of nowhere I get a call from a technician who says he is on my street. I told him we didn’t have an appointment scheduled but I sure as hell wasn’t going to let him leave. He came in and found the issue was with our internal wiring and how to repair the Internet. We’re back to 6Mb down and 350k up.

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