Orange is my favorite color

Archive for 2008/04

I know I have my patterns – I get my computer set up and for the next 2 years I leave it nearly as-is. Then I get a new machine (Lenovo X61) and it’s time to see what’s new out there.
I did that search four weeks ago when installing Thunderbird and came across some [...]

Mozilla just released Sunbird and Lightning 0.8, the calendar project of the Mozilla Group. I’ve been using the combination of Thunderbird, Lightning/Sunbird and a GTD tool called ThinkingRock for over a year now. The problem is that my calendar files have grown and the calendar would take sometimes as long as 5-10 seconds [...]

I couldn’t find this easily with TEH GOOGLE so I present to you here, a complete list of the built-in properties that you can access using Ant. If you don’t know what Ant is and you’re a developer, then you probably don’t use deployment scripts and should be whipped. Check out Jim Priest’s [...]